The Leadership Case Study


The company has more than 71,000 employees globally. In addition to this, they have nearly 70,000 channel partners and 380 global sites doing business in 165+ countries. Indeed, a giant in the networking, cloud and cybersecurity space.


  • There has been a change in leadership. The overall focus shifted to the numbers and the company’s approach became very task focussed.
  • Though the business outcomes and bottom line were doing very well, there came a misalignment in the objectives among the leaders.
  • There came misalignment within the team and innovative work was not happening in the company.
  • The reliability placed on the employees was getting reduced while relying on the tasks.

Our Intervention:

  • Each leader built a Lego model. This comprised of, “who am I at my core”, “what I stand for as an Individual” and “my current leadership style”.
  • As the facilitator posed relevant questions based on the model they built, they could identify the missing components in theirs. They dwelled further into the missing components, that were not represented in their model.
  • The next Lego model they built was how others see them. They used an open Johari window model for this task, incorporating feedback from the team.
  • The last model was made by making a few changes in the core identity model. This was done by incorporating the new learnings into the existing models.
  • Each of the changes where path-breaking. It gave them new insights into their being and doing.


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